Those were the wonderful 60s , the years of change and celebration by young people of the new values ​​of freedom and affirmation. They were contagious.
It was the era of new beauty and renewed life especially in the multifaceted Naples from where strong echoes of reconstruction came and where genius fermented. Campania in its entirety, has always represented genesis and future, an excellent forge of new visions: adoptive mother of Greek thought that absorbed and made its future. The textile industry also began to embark on its journey along the same path, from the first traditions of fabrics in the territories, to the first creations , to the first necessities.
And it was in Positano , a land of unparalleled beauty, that necessity and genius went hand in hand, towards a fashion concept destined to remain eternal in global trend topics . Positano Fashion is recognized throughout the world: it is about fabrics, prints, embroidery that speak of the coast, everywhere, in any language.

The Moda Mare Positano phenomenon at its dawn, the demand for clothing suitable for the sea
It was the 60s, the extraordinary years, when people often left the city for a trip to the seaside and often felt that their clothes were inadequate, in style but also in weight, for those places rich in heat , sun and sea, where, in a few kilometers, vacationers always found themselves immersed in a dream habitat . As if by magic, the climate in this golden bay was and is always mild and the habit of abandoning the city, of " taking off everything " and looking for sarongs , Bermuda shorts , shorts, costumes and everything that could be used on the beach or on a boat began to spread.
The first artisanal productions of the pezzari, Positano fashion sees the light
Thus the first shops selling ceramics and souvenirs of the place began to receive pressing requests for special clothes that were increasingly suited to the values ​​of relaxation, fun, luxury and beauty. At the beginning of the 60s, the inhabitants of Positano were originally merchants and, based on the dreams of those who wanted to live in their town, they began to create the famous “ Positano Fashion ” by improvising as successful tailors, cutting up scarves , linen or cotton towels, and sometimes, due to too much demand, even using brides’ trousseaus . The budding tailors transformed the very fine hand-embroidered sheets and old bobbin lace or crochet table doilies into very elegant evening dresses. Gradually the trend became very popular .

The “pezzari”, from the study of fabrics in the markets to Moda Mare Positano
The situation soon began to spread, by word of mouth : the extravagant fashion, made of improvisation on creative genius, was appreciated from the first moments, because it was different and unthinkable by the city tailors . The “pezzari” , thanks to the beauty of the place, listening to the requests of the very wealthy holiday guests and with a great desire for “diversity”, soon went to stock up on supplies at the second-hand markets to meet the continuous requests for beachwear. The family trousseaus in Positano were now finished, the rag-and-bone men had already emptied all the brides’ trousseaus chests: the profession was born, from small workshops on need, to a real commercialization of those clothes. The famous Moda Mare Positano was about to be born.
It was precisely these improvised tailors-traders who, aided by entrepreneurs such as Benetton and Fiorucci , invented garment-dyed clothing to offer a vast range of colours, importing Indian gauze integrated with the old laces stolen from trousseaus. They attracted and directed the attention of many stylists to produce white garments, offering an infinite choice of colours according to needs. All this happened right in Positano .
Giacomo Cinque and Riccardo Ruggiti, the meeting and the idea of ​​Antica Sartoria Positano
In the wake of this now customary production of particular beachwear style clothes, many small workshops began to spring up and in one of these Giacomo Cinque began to pour and express all his love for embroidery and art, creating extravagant and certainly unrepeatable garments. His unmistakable flair soon became so much so that he earned fame for his unmistakable signature. He had laid the foundations and founded the true Positano Beachwear .
Precisely to always create unique garments, Giacomo Cinque used to go around the various antique markets, all the places of inspiration for his creations, and in one of these he met Riccardo Ruggiti , a cutting-edge entrepreneur, who immediately recognized in the designer his distinctive sign, aware that Cinque's talent would take the company he had in mind far.
Together they soon founded Antica Sartoria Positano , initially with sales points both on the beach of Positano and in the centre of the town in the Piazza dei Mulini , where it is a ritual for tourists to repack their wardrobes and suitcases to embark on their holidays, between reality and the Positano dream .
After some time, the distribution of the points of sale became widespread, throughout Italy, in the top places of beachwear and in the big Italian cities . In a few years, Antica Sartoria Positano soon crossed the national borders, becoming a recognized brand also in Europe , extending the commercial network of its points of sale. Antica Sartoria Positano is today the first brand to export the Positano dream, with its beachwear, all over the world .

Antica Sartoria B2B Distribution
In this extraordinary story of art , fashion and territorial identity , Antica Sartoria Positano has also included in the 2023-2024 successful budget an exclusive line, dedicated to retailers . The typical style of its concept is found in the garments conceived and designed solely for B2B sales .
The extraordinary value and business scope is offered in a large distribution project that has the strong backing of a recognized history, with solid marketing , with a broad target. The visibility of Antica Sartoria Positano “grinds out miles” of successes with sales all over the world, spreading awareness , polarizing appreciation all over the world . It proposes a stylistic concept that is culture and history, it fully integrates with the worldwide recognition of the Amalfi Coast , a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Divine Coast is recognized, with its excellences, also for its very particular stylistic life , completely dedicated to the best of life, to relaxation , to fun, to the typical Mediterranean uses and customs of southern Italy. Becoming a dealer of Antica Sartoria Positano means opening a successful path that brings with it the naturalistic beauty of a territory admired in every part of the globe with all its traditions, immersing oneself and making one's own, in many aspects, that thousand-year-old history.
Antica Sartoria and its stores bring Positano and its fame to every place in the world, mutually transferring this success .

The sales network to maximize and enhance the business, the marketing of Antica Sartoria
The distribution hubs of Antica Sartoria B2B have been designed to cover all of Italy , from north to south. The Cis in Nola and the Centergross in Bologna host our warehouses to distribute quickly and innovatively throughout the ever-growing Italian commercial network and export all over the world .
The guarantee of a collaboration that is always highly optimized is one of the company missions that proposes a growth path always supported and directed by Antica Sartoria Positano.
The evolution of the brand, from the relationship with the consumer to the relationship with other increasingly structured and important business strategies , represents in the company's intentions the objective of pushing not only the brand (ensuring a solid and tested economic flywheel , through quality , value and competitiveness ), but of creating increasingly important and international partnerships .
Becoming a reseller of the exclusive Antica Sartoria B2B line means following the privileged path already marked by Antica Sartoria Positano , a strategic and investment choice with new and different solutions, always suited to the needs and structure of companies and partners.
Already in the 2023 plans, to be implemented starting from 2024 , Antica Sartoria Positano has drawn up the structured programs of its new B2B project including innovative marketing and business strategies . The large communication project includes a system of solid campaigns throughout the world with the promotion of the entire commercial network: a rewarding system for anyone who approaches the brand and which offers continuous support to the points of sale, companies and all partners.